hello, you can call me martyn or irma. my interests include 90s culture, books, animals, drawing/writing, cartooning and art technique, collecting, reading, maximalism, thrift stores, physical media, alt pop rock, CGI and puppetry, plants, aliens, and much more...
i don't spend much time on social media besides discord/pinterest/tumblr more recently, feel free to add me on any of them. i have accounts on most "big" platforms sans instagram but mostly i use them to look at art i like/pics of my favorite guys.
on the topic of politics, i don't put myself into one category or another, and i hold beliefs from both sides. i don't subscribe to the concept of hugbox leftist morality, and also strongly dislike the opposite side of the spectrum and oppose western "traditional" ways of thinking. so, politically i'm on the sidelines. really the only thing i feel strongly about is environmentalism, and being a sort of stewardess to the natural world--my lifelong dream has always been to work with animals, not just in rehab environments, but also in the field. i like to get my hands dirty and explore!